Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

For the 3 of you who read this blog,my take on the Ergun Caner debacle...

Sometimes,being in the SBC entails dealing with extreme levels of frustration with the powers to be within the conference. I am fortunate to be in an outstanding SBC church, with great pastoral care and a tremendous fellowship. I am blessed with the opportunity to serve in various capacities, and I love doing so.However, within my denomination I do carry a bit of a stigma.

I am divorced. There are a multitude of reasons my first marriage ended in divorce, but the bottom line is, according to Scripture it was a sin. It is a sin that I have repented of, and thanks to the grace of God I have been restored in the body of Christ. However, some of my SBC brethren are not so gracious. In some of our churches I am "disqualified" to serve in a multitude of capacities because of my divorce. The SBC doesn't want me on the mission field,and to get into a Baptist college requires appearing before the inquisition. Evidently, there are unforgivable sins other than blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Now, I do not aspire to be a pastor or to serve as a deacon, but here is the rub. How is it that the same folks who hold me accountable for a sin I committed in my twenties refuse to hold Ergun Caner accountable for his? I cannot serve as a missionary, but blatant personal "embellishments" go unpunished? Huh? The man stood in the pulpit and claimed, among other things, to have been trained in the youth jihad and his supporters turn a blind eye. The difference is that I am anonymous, while he has attained the ranks of celebrity within the convention. I have repented, will they?